Saint Maria De Mattias
Foundress of the
Adorers of the Blood of Christ
Stories for the Young and Old
Acuto is a village
found east of Rome.
It is located in lower Lazio on a hilltop
of the Ernici Mountains.
This statue of St. Maria
greets visitors to the city.
City Gate
It was through this gate that
Maria DeMattias, Maria Tullio
and Michael DeMattias
entered the city of Acuto.
A sure footed donkey had no problem
going through the gate.
The place the Adorers call
Casa Madre
just through the gate and to the left.
Maria's first home was across the street.
First Home of the Adorers
On March 4, 1834,
Maria opened the school
in what is now called the
Pilozzi House.
It is located across the street
from the Casa Madre.
Maria lived and worked
in the lower three rooms of this house.
It was dark and damp.
She stayed here from March to June.