
Saint Maria De Mattias
Foundress of the
Adorers of the Blood of Christ
Stories for the Young and Old



Coloring Books


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(Maria wrote many letters. The writing tool of that time was called a QUILL.
It was a large feather from the wing of a large bird, such as a duck.
Now, we know that feathers don't talk, but this one has a story to tell! )
Dear little one, please take me to Acuto.
I want to tell the Sisters a good story---before I fall apart.

There's not much of me left now, but once I was...
feather 2

just plucked from the wing of a duck.
I had an extra little collar of downy
which added to my attractiveness.
All right, I know that's not important---
but something else is,
and that's the fact that for many years
I served a very wonderful Sister,
Maria De Mattias!

Feather 3
We wrote thousands of letters: miles of words
to all sorts of people!
I loved our moments together
and I can tell you some "goodies"
I learned from what she wrote.. `


For example:
When she was a young girl,
she must have been very attractive
and she had admirers too.
A little romance could have developed,
except for the fact
that she already wanted
to belong only to God,
and for love of Him to serve others.
Maria says she never went to school
to learn to read and write.
She says a certain "Madonna Mia"
inspired her to start reading.
I wonder if it was the same Madonna who taught her to write.
She sure handles me well,
and we've composed a lot of letters.
The Sisters think they have them all
in their collection,
but I can tell you there were many more!

When Maria begins: "Rev. Father",
I get ready for a long session.
Maria has a friend called Father Merlini.
I don't understand much of what
she writes to him...
I'm only a feather, you know.
Many of her letters deal with
"wanting only God's will, not hers...
"fear of being deceived...
"tearful, loving glances to the Crucified...
"a desire to suffer for love."
I wonder if all of you understand these things?
I like the letters to the sisters:--
short, practical and to the point.
I've written some words quite often
and I'm proud to say
I can spell them all by myself:
Be happy!
Trust in God!
Souls, souls, souls.
Love our Crucified Jesus.
Care for my dear poor.
How's that for an intelligent feather!?

Who are the poor?
So often Maria asks the Sisters
to take loving care of the poor.
She dispenses the poor postulants from dowry.
She asks the pope to help a
poor woman and her family.
She opens school in poor villages.
Then just when I begin to think "poor"
means not having much,
she confuses me by writing:
"Please pray for my POOR soul."
"O my POOR crucified Jesus."
"...this POOR institute."
Tell Me: Just what does POOR mean????

Maria, your hand is so rough today.
What have you been doing?
Knocking down a wall?
Did you help the men with hammer in hand?
I'm sure they work better and faster when you are there.
You really like being with people, don't you...
like during the rock procession.
If I were stronger, I'd offer to help
but I fear I wouldn't make much of a dent in a brick wall
and I doubt if I could even carry a pebble.
I accept my limitations,
and I wish you'd remember your physical limitations, too.
Oh, Oh, I'm getting wobbly.
I do believe you are falling asleep.
If I could spell more words,
I would write some letters myself.
I'd tell them!
That bishop who doesn't answer
any of our letters all these months....
Those Sisters who don't want to follow Maria.
That confessor who caused all the confusion in Acuto!!!
Instead of the unbiblical words I'd like to write,
Maria makes me say:
"My dear Sister...
"Your esteemed and reverend Lordship.."
It really ruffles my feather.
Look out, Maria!
That drop of water will ruin this page
...or is it a tear???
Here we go again.
She is holding me very still---
upside down of course.
And I know she is looking at that cross.
She seems to love it very much.
Before we begin writing again,
she will kiss it many times.
I know...because she does this so often.
This is fun!!
We've been sketching copies of the frill
to send to the Sisters of Ottmarsheim.
The wastepaper basket is full of discarded designs
which we aren't satisfied with.
This one isn't too bad...
maybe she will send it.
While she's not looking,
I've been adding the facial features.
How's that?
I can't believe what Maria just wrote!
Let me read it to you:
"I nearly always experience great difficulty
when I write, and often
I perspire over it because
of the repugnance I feel...
I feel regret when I write
and do not succeed very well,
either because of haste,
of indisposition,
but still more: for lack of ability.
One day I seemed to hear in my Heart
an almost audible voice which said to me:
Does she mean I am one of her crosses??
Oh Maria, you write beautifully,
and your letters are a precious apostolate.

Oh, so you think I'm being carried away do you?
Well. let me tell you what happened.
This is 1855 and Maria just wrote:
"We have received a Decree of Praise from the Holy See.
Thanks be to God."
You all have a copy of this decree of praise
so you can see for yourselves that the sisters
were praised for the industry and zeal
with which they attended to the Christian
and secular education of poor girls.
The Holy See blessed the Institute
and encouraged the Sisters to Continue
their truly Christian work.

There's something Maria talks a lot about
in her January and February letters,
I know what Carnival is!
It's a favorite fun time!
We feathers are really "light on our feet"
and know how to sway to the rhythms of the
tango, waltzes and such...
but there is nothing especially sanctifying
about that; though it can be heaps of innocent fun.
I'd like to know more
about this Carnival Sanctified.
Maybe it's even better for us feathers too.
Have you noticed how many times
Maria writes about the retreats she gives
and wants her sisters to give to the girls and women?
I'll bet this was a new experience for husbands:
they were probably very surprised
when their wives said: "So long",
and were gone for a week.
They had a lot on their hands
and undoubtedly developed a renewed
love and appreciation for their wives during their absence.
The retreats made a difference in the lives
of the ladies too.
Families changed...
And whole towns changed!
That's why priests and bishops who at first
raised their eyebrows at the idea,
later called Maria and our ASCs to their town
to effect a quick conversion in their parishes.
I just found out that "we are in danger because of thieves."
Maria just wrote that line.
And now while she is pausing to pray,
and I'm calming my feather, I mean, my fears,
let me tell you what else she wrote:
"Our garden wall fell, and we have no protection.
Three of our dogs have been poisoned.
And now thieves can come and go."
I'm glad I can't die of poison,
but I don't want to be stolen from Maria either!!
I really wish I could know more about the sisters.
Having just a one-sided conversation on paper,
may give me a lop-sided idea.
Sr. Josefa must be very serious
because Maria asks her to smile more.
Another sister must be skinny,
for Maria wrote several times telling her to eat more.
Some are young, and some are old...
like Sr. Serafina Pro, who was 80 when she died,
and must have been like a loving grandmother to all.
There are some I know more about,
for Maria wrote things like this:
Sr. Philomena had the "beautiful qualities of humility, modesty and docility."
Sr. Barrista's "life was one long act of heroic virtue and great sacrifice."
Sr. Angelarosa's "death was beautiful because her life was virtuous."
Sr. Clementina "though quite young, knew
how to win the good will of sisters and students."
Sr. Adelaide "had a docile disposition and was very good-hearted."
Sr. Angelic's "life had been a great inspiration to all because of her obedience."
These sisters were living saints, weren't they?
Too bad I just found out about them
when Maria wrote their obituaries.
This happens too often in life,
and not only with us feathers.
I wonder if I should be writing this letter with bowed top feathers?
It's to Pope Pius IX.
Don't tell me I'm not important.
There aren't many feathers in the world
that get to write to the Holy Father.
It's such a happy letter, I'll bet he will like it!!
Today I feel as if I could be a "Peacock Feather".
I've reason to feel proud
for we just finished a letter to the KING!
Maria expressed sorrow on hearing
of an attempt made on his life.
What's this world coming to???

Words aren't the only thing Maria and I know how to write.
We make lots of numbers too.
Maria divides the paper into 3 columns:
In the first she writes INCOME...
and then a few numbers.
Next she writes EXPENSES..
and there are lots of numbers in this column.
Finally she writes with Red ink.
I think it means
it is the amount DIVINE PROVIDENCE
will have to provide,
and there are always several items in this column too.
This is interesting.
It adds variety to our life.
Surely you know there is a difference
between feathers coming from the wing
of a bird, a duck, a peacock or a swan.
Essentially we are the same, but.....
I guess that's the way it is with people of different nations.
Maria made no distinctions.
She opened her heart to all.
She embraced the German Sisters
and the English Sister
with the same love she had for her Italian Sisters.
I know she loves me too.
Where is Porto Ricanati?
Is it close to Acuto?
There is a cholera epidemic there
and I'm scared I'll get sick.
Sister Annamaria and her companions are worried too.
Maria just wrote and told them not to be afraid.
"Drink pure wine. In the evening if you feel weak,
make yourselves a little soup of bread and pure wine.
Be Cheerful.
I hope heaven will preserve you from the cholera."
Maria, maybe you'd better take my temperature.
I feel feverish.


Would you believe this is our 15th letter today?
That breaks our record.
There were times when 9 letters a day was our maximum:
and that was a job, what with all the other things my Maria has to do.
She has so many friends...
Besides all the sisters, there are the
priests, the bishops, the magistrates; and oh yes, her two brothers.
Michael is such a great help
and Antonio such a worry,
but she loves them both.
Maria, did it ever occur to you
that even a feather could get tired?

Oh, Oh, there you go again with that persistent cough.
Maria, you are bending me backwards!!
I'm sorry and I wish you could get some relief.
Wouldn't it be better for you to be resting,
instead of sitting here writing letters?
Your head is so hot, and your writing so slow.
I have only a feather brain,
but I know you are not well,
and my feather heart loves you.
Today it wasn't Maria De Mattias who used me and this was puzzling.
Believe me, I paid close attention to every word written.
You can imagine how amazed I was to read:
"About 1:00 a.m. Maria entered into agony.
She was thoroughly conscious, but could no longer talk.
The sisters gathered around her bed,
cried and said the prayers for the dying.
The priest asked what Maria's favorite devotion was and was told,
"The Passion of Jesus."
He began reciting "Vexilla Regis"
and when they got to the verse:
"o Crux ave, spes unica"
Maria opened her eyes, and her lips moved
as if repeating the words.
Then calmly she entered into eternity.
It was 2:00 in the morning of August 20, 1866.
Maria was 61 years, and 5 months old.
Merlini entered the room and exclaimed:
"What a beautiful person. How fortunate she is."
and when he noticed the priest and sister
were reciting the Miserere, he joyously intoned the
I love MARIA DE MATTIAS and I will miss her.
I know I will not last forever,
but I'm glad that what we have written will remain...
and will bring so much joy
and inspiration to thousands of Adorers
all over the world.
I am proud of my past.
There are few other feathers,
or modern pens that have written
so many important people.
MARIA DE MATTIAS is such a special person.
I wonder if now she is up there
writing letters to the BLESSED TRINITY with a golden feather.